26 September 2010

Temporary Relief

Hussy has had a rollercoaster, emotional week.  Although I haven't posted it here, she posted on Thursday on FetLife how broken she felt.  I have taken her to her lowest point and she has pulled herself up onto her knees and carried on.  She is stronger than she thought.  Yesterday she should have completed her final task amongst the many I set as part of her punishment.  Sadly she text me to say she was having a migraine attack, had been sick and couldn't go out.  She stayed in bed most of the day until she felt well enough to eat, drink and come online to chat to me later.

When I consider all the tasks she has completed, despite the photography/laptop fiasco on Tuesday night, she has successfully achieved all other goals set.  Her lines were sent on time and I received them on Wednesday, she posted her self punishment article on Wednesday on FetLife and emailed my diary early on Friday night.  Her diary was illuminating, totally honest and reassured me that she was strong enough to cope with all that had happened during the last week.

I am not cruel, well not sadistically cruel.  I do like to inflict but I'm not here to abuse her.  I'm here to guide my Hussy and sometimes that involves punishment for her own good.  But it's all done out of my love for her and she knows this.  One thing it has done is make her realise what she really wants.  She wrote in her last diary "This is what I want, You as my Lady is what I want and what I need.  You fulfil an aspect of me that I never fully realised was there.  I had suspicions, but a spot of kink in a vanilla relationship is vastly different to the levels You have taken me to in Your Chamber.  I now realise more than ever how much strength it takes to submit, to give away control, to trust someone else so completely."  As I read the diary with a sense of pride she concluded with "I want to serve You, to honour You, to give You a reason to have pride in me.  You give me reason.  My failings are great but I know that You are ready to teach me, prepared to be patient with me, to mould me into something fitting of You."  I can't really ask for anything more of my Hussy than that.

So from this moment on, her ban is lifted.  Until a time and date to be appointed next week so that she can return to her sub mind and prepare for my imminent visit.  In balance, I think lifting the ban will benefit both of us and provide her with even more impetus to serve me to the best of her abilities.

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